Friday, April 29, 2011

Reflection on the semester

Looking back, I am very appreciative of having taken this course.  Admittedly, before the class began, I thought it was a silly idea to have a class that teaches future educators how to use technology.  I thought, "I know how to use word, excel, create powerpoints, etc."  Then during the class, I frequently got frustrated with not knowing how to use new tools that were introduced to us.  But in reflection, this class was incredibly useful.  I learned about and got experience with tools that can support teaching that I had never realized were out there before.  I was motivated and inspired to incorporate technology in my own future classroom, and truly enjoyed the experience.  I think the Web 2.0 project we did in pairs was very useful and should be continued in future semesters.  So long TPTE 486! I learned a lot and I won't forget you!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to hear things finished well and you found the semester worthwhile. I promise the frustrating times will be the most beneficial in the long run as you learned more than you realized during those moments.

    I wish you all the best!
