Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fussing with Wiki's

Thus far, I think working with a wiki is infuriating.  I'm sure it will get easier as my experience grows, but right now I am not a fan.  I don't enjoy doing things I am not good at and right now that's wiki's.  I have yet to figure out how to change the title of my wiki.  I researched it and everyone says that you have to "move the site."  BUT I CAN'T FIGURE OUT HOW TO MOVE THE SITE!

On a more professional note, I don't think that wiki's will be nearly as useful to my classroom as a blog would.  Being as I am most likely to work with preschoolers, they certainly won't be contributing to the wiki.  Thus, any technology would be mostly for parents.  I think a blog would be a great way to show parents what the children are doing in the classroom in a fun way, but I doubt that them editing a page would be useful.

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